Mission 1: Militia
This old utility tunnel will have to do. The damp lunar rock absorbs most of the the bluish light from an old street lantern that somebody's jury-rigged to a gas pipe. In a corner, steam seeps from a broken vent.
You're the only soldier in the ragtag group of survivors. You can't protect them all by yourself; who knows where you'll be sent off to once you've managed to get in contact with Cartel command.
Rumor has it that imposing, nightmarish creatures with sharp spikes of metallic implants covering their deformed bodies, and blank eyes staring from mask-like faces, have been seen.
These people need to be able to defend themselves. They need weapons and at least enough training to know where to point them. Frankly, the entire Lunar population needs to be armed to stave off the waves of Heretics and Legionnaires and worse.
Goal: End the turn with 4 saved CIVILIANS.
Setup: Remove the ADVISOR from the area deck for the duration of this mission. Start at wave 1.
Special rule: To save a CIVILIAN you must also destroy a prepared weapon. Only one CIVILIAN can be saved each time you play EVACUATION. The retrieve option may not be used when saving a CIVILIAN.
Mission 2: Digging In
After your recent raids and extraction missions, it's become clear that the main target for the strike against Luna City was the Cartel Building. By striking at the center of diplomacy, communication and cooperation between the Megacorporations, the Dark Legion has gained an advantage. And where's the hell's the Brotherhood?
Now Heretics are openly displaying their allegiance to the Apostles of the Dark Legion, something that would have been unthinkable a few days ago. Distrust and violence has spread among the citizens. If your group of survivors are to remain alive and sane, you need to secure the perimeter while retaining access to the bare necessities needed.
Goal: End the turn with 5 saved CIVILIANS. You must also have a combination of 8 prepared traps, equipment, and refuges in play.
Setup: Start at wave 1 with up to 3 refuges in the explored area (CPL. RUTH REINER still starts with "FIRST AID FACILITY" in play). Shuffle 3 level 2 enemy cards into the area deck..
Special rule: When exploring (or retrieving by saving CIVILIANS) an enemy card from the area deck, place it in play and explore (or retrieve) the next card instead.
Mission 3: Attacked!
Clang! You wake up from the first few minutes of slumber that you've had in days. What was that sound? The burly space dock worker who's on watch points at something in the darkness outside.
A group of Heretics seems to have discovered your hideout! Dealing with them should be easy, but you fear they might just be the scout troops...
Goal: End the turn on wave 6 or higher
Setup: Start at wave 1.
Special rule: When you reach wave 5, add all enemy cards from the Dark Legion pile to the discard pile before shuffling it.
Are you ready for the next chapter?