Mission 1: Relief

When you dropped off the medic team at a bombshelter used to coordinate the defense in this part of the city, the officer in charge was impressed with how you performed while cut off from the organized effort. She instructed you to prepare for SCOUR* duty and gave you a radio. Before you had time to ask about Necrotechnology, Razides or other abominations she dismised you with a brisk "that'll be all" and left.

     You got to sleep for a few hours but woke up in a sweat from a dream about twisted bodies, iron skeletons bulging under sickly pale flesh, perpetually open mouths dripping with poisonous bile...

     You're sitting at a table now, an Imperial field ration opened in front of you. Haggis.

     Force it down. Rusty flesh.

     Get up. Hinges screeching as limbs thrash.

     Put on clean clothes. You don't recognize yourself in the bathroom mirror. If you stop for more than a few moments that dream creeps up on you.

When you're ordered to do reconnaissance in a nearby residential area you feel relieved.

Goal: End the turn with the entire area deck scouted.

Setup: Shuffle 3 HERETICS and 2 LEGIONNAIRES (level 2 enemies) into the area deck. Start at wave 1.

Note: When exploring (or retrieving by saving CIVILIANS) and an enemy card is revealed, place it in the enemy area and explore (or retrieve) the next card instead.

* From Cartel Joint Operations Manual Vol. 4, Terminology Supplement: SCOUR = scuting and recovery in urban semi-hostile territory. Advance operations in populated areas without clear geographical deliniation between occupied and non-occupied zones, or where affiliations are unclear or mixed.

Mission 2: To the Cathedral!

During a short respite in a quiet back alley you radio in a situation report using the updated code: increasing enemy activity; enemy contact multiple; significant civilian presence; unit still operational.

     You, the still operational unit, creep closer to the damp wall. High above, a gaslight shines through the cast-iron grating of a bridge between two blocks creating a checkered pattern on the black concrete in front of you. Sobbing and rustling from a window above is barely audible over the hiss from a ventilation duct. Some people have boarded up their apartments from inside, many have tried to flee. The severed head of one of the latter stares in cold awe at you from the curb.

     Then you get a response with further orders and the location of a nearby supply depot. The Brotherhood urges all civilians to seek shelter near the Stone Archives and the Cathedral where they will be defended. Gear up, go in again and get the evacuation going!

Goal: End the turn with 10 saved CIVILIANS.

Setup: Start at wave 2. Place two cards of your choice from the area deck in the explored area.

Mission 3: Stealth

Seeing the city center surrounded by Sacred Warriors and Fury Elite Guards in red armor, crowded with citizens in safety, filled your heart with hope. Surely a better place for them than being hunched up in a desolate apartment building!

     You're ordered to go to another residential area, one with more enemy activity. The raspy voice on the radio instructs you: "Some people are stranded there, surrounded. Find them and escort them to safety. There's too many enemies in the area for you to take on by yourself, so do it covertly."

     You go out yet again, and with new resolve.

Goal: End the turn with 5 saved CIVILIANS.

Setup: Start at wave 1. Add 1 extra HERETIC to your starting draw deck.

Special rule: You may not use CONCUSSION GRENADE, CROSSFIRE, DEMOLITION, FRAGMENTATION MINES, vehicles, or any firearms other than GEHENNA PUKER. (These cards can be discarded as payment, however.)

Mission 4: The Purge

The Brotherhood has pushed the Dark Legion out of the city center and hopefully the megacorps' troops from Mars and Venus will arrive soon and surround the city. Cartel troops together with the Brotherhood and city police are about to start trying to clear streets, buildings and sewers of enemies. At last there's a semblance of coordination to the defense efforts, but the chaos isn't over.

     Over the radio you hear the Cardinal's imposing voice declaiming that the purge has begun.

Goal: End the turn having killed at least 100 enemies.

Setup: Start at wave 2 with any weapon from the area deck in play unprepared. Add 2 HERETICS to the player deck. Shuffle three LEGIONNAIRES into the area deck.

Special rule: When exploring (or retrieving by saving CIVILIANS) and an enemy card is revealed, place it in the enemy area and explore (or retrieve) the next card instead.

Are you ready for the next chapter?